A standard food package is offered to each household at each visit.

Each food package contains 4-5 days worth of food per person in the household, offering as much choice as possible. Working one-on-one with a volunteer, patrons shop for items to make up their food package. Options typically available for non-perishable items could be canned fruit and vegetables, juice, side dishes, peanut butter, cereal, soup, pasta and tomatoes, beans, macaroni and cheese and canned meat. Personal care items* for adults and babies, and additional items as available. In addition to the non-perishable items, patrons have the opportunity to choose from a large variety of fresh produce, frozen meat, bread, dairy items, and personal care products.

Drive-thru food package pickup services are available for established patrons with current accounts. Eligibility to utilize this service are those aged 60+, people with physical limitations, or referral by WAFER staff for a special circumstance. Photo ID is required. Drive-thru package pickup will be available Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am to 12pm.

(Food Distribution Services are funded in part by the Great Rivers United Way)