More Ways To Give*
IRA Charitable Distribution
Individuals age 70.5 or older may
want to consider making a gift
commitment through a Qualified
Charitable Distribution (QCD).
A QCD is a direct transfer of
funds from your IRA to WAFER.
Donor Advised Fund
A donor-advised fund, or DAF, is
a charitable investment account
for the sole purpose of supporting
charitable organizations. If you
currently have a DAF, you may
contribute a gift from this fund to
WAFER’s Campaign.
Appreciated Assets
WAFER can accept gifts of stocks,
bonds, mutual funds, or personal
property. You can transfer stock to
WAFER and take a tax deduction
based on the market value of the
stock at the time of the gift.
Foundations and Grants
Gifts from business or family
foundations targeted for the
betterment of society, provide a
wonderful opportunity to support
Life Insurance
There are ways you can use
life insurance as a gift-giving
approach. For example, you could
give the cash value accumulated
in a policy or donate the annual
dividends of a policy. Consider
making WAFER the full or partial
beneficiary of your policy.
*It is important to contact a
donor advisor, accountant,
or attorney for guidance if
considering one of these
gift options.
Employer Matching Gifts
Double the impact of your
donation! Your gift to WAFER
could be matched dollar for dollar
by your employer. Contact the
Human Resources Department of
your company to find out if they
have a matching gift program.
Deferred Trust Fund Gifts
There are a variety of ways to give
through trust funds which have
advantages for short-term and
long-term giving, as well as tax
Donate Food
Bring unopened food and personal care item donations to WAFER during business hours:
Monday through Friday 8:00am to 12:30pm
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Items can be brought to the service door in the alley. We will issue you a receipt upon request.
Organize A Food Or Fund Drive

I & S Group created a sculpture made up of 112 Campbell Soup Cans, 144 assorted tomato cans, 486 canned vegetables and 76 boxed goods resulting in a bigger impact to WAFER food pantry and the La Crosse Community.
Themed giving can be a fun way to get groups involved in a food drive. Unsure how to get started? Check out our Food Drive Kit of some of these creative ideas:
- Souper Sundays – soups of all kinds, especially chicken noodle, cream of mushroom, and cream of chicken and crackers!
- Breakfast Bonanza – box or bag cereal, granola bars, fruit bars, cereal bars, oatmeal, quick oats, pancake mix and syrup, instant oatmeal.
- Pasta Party – pasta, spaghetti sauce, mac and cheese, packaged noodle side dishes.
- Cinco De Mayo – taco shells (hard and soft), taco mixes, taco sauce, salsa, beans, you get the idea.
- Reverse Advent Calendar – for the days leading up to Christmas, place 1 item per day into a box and when the "Reverse Advent" list is complete bring it to the pantry.
- Holiday Party - instant mashed or scalloped potatoes, stuffing canned vegetables, canned fruit, rice packages, crackers, pudding, jello, tea, instant coffee, and canned soup.
- Winter is Coming – cold weather favorites such as stews, chili, and hot chocolate
- "Meat" the Need: canned meats such as luncheon, ham, chicken, tuna, salmon, and stew.
- Hygiene Drive: Shampoo, body wash, razors, soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, pads and tampons, diapers, and wipes.
You can find food package contents and a donation wishlist here. For ordering and delivery convenience we also have an Amazon wishlist.

Food Rescue
We work with a number of area businesses to receive leftover food that we can make available for our patrons. We can also accept leftover food from special events. Food is accepted during regular business hours. Your food donation is tax deductible and receipts will be issued upon request.
WAFER can not accept perishable foods. Food must be in sealed packages whenever possible.
Please contact WAFER to make arrangements to donate food from your restaurant, business, or special event.

Garden Produce
WAFER welcomes donations of fresh produce from home gardens if you have too much after harvest or would just like to share your bounty. WAFER also encourages local gardeners to plant an extra row of crops to donate for our hungry neighbors in need. All types of garden produce are appreciated. Your donation is tax deductible and receipts will be issued upon request.