Patrons may choose to receive food packages from the Mobile Food Pantry, or at WAFER’s main food pantry location on George Street, not both.
Food package items available at the Mobile Food Pantry are similar to what is available at the main facility. They contain a variety of canned and fresh items as available, including canned goods, produce, dairy items, baked goods, frozen meat, and hygiene items.
There are regularly scheduled and consistent stopping points offered in a variety locations throughout La Crosse County in neighborhoods, community sites, apartment complexes, and other resource provider organizations. Check back frequently for up-to-date information, new locations, current sites, dates, and times on the calendar tab.

The WAFER Mobile Food Pantry
Patrons are able to board the vehicle to choose their own foods.
The vehicle is handicap accessible and can accommodate most wheelchairs and walkers.

Implementation and History

Lack of personal transportation or access to public transportation, physical disabilities, limited finances, and distance from the food pantry are just a few of the reasons why people struggling with food insecurity are unable to utilize food resources offered by WAFER Food Pantry. In response to this apparent need, the Mobile Food Pantry (MFP), an innovative and one-of-a-kind program, began serving the public in September 2017.
The MFP has made an enormous impact locally and will continue to provide services that support patrons in their quest for opportunity, success and self-dependence while decreasing emotional and physical risks associated with food insecurity. We are working to break down the walls of poverty for people right here at home, and Mobile Pantry services seek to do just that.
For questions regarding this service or to sign up for volunteering – at a site or restocking – please contact the Mobile Food Pantry Manager at or 608-782-6003, x6.
*Nutrition, gerontology, and human services students are likely to apply course objectives while volunteering on the Mobile.