If you are homebound or have difficulty getting to the food pantry and 60 years of age or older, food package delivery might be a good option for you.
Please fill out the Senior Share Application Form and return to WAFER Food Pantry at 1603 George St, La Crosse, WI 54603. Take time to thoroughly fill out the application form as this is the opportunity to indicate dietary restrictions or food preference. When food packages are assembled they are tailored based on restrictions and preferences as much as possible. Food packages are delivered one time per month to meal sites, senior housing units, community centers, or individual residences throughout La Crosse County.


This program, which was implemented in 2009, seeks to reduce the barriers that some seniors struggle with just to secure such a basic need; transportation and physical limitations. About 100 seniors participate in Senior Share, preferring this service to standing in line and carrying their groceries home.